
5 Easiest College Majors

5 Easiest College Majors

Deciding to continue your education typically means putting in a lot of academic work. While college requires effort, not all majors are created equally. Some majors are simply easier than others, reflected in the higher GPAs and graduation rates of students with those degrees. Below are five of the easiest degrees a college student can pursue today.

1: Education

With relatively high GPAs across the board and a relatively low number of prerequisite courses, Education is one of the easier college majors when simply considering the basic workload. Note that many states do require those who major in education to pursue a Master’s Degree, and even those who don’t will require several months of fieldwork in order for a student to get licensed. If you’re looking at graduation rates and the average GPA of education students, though, this major clearly deserves its spot on the list.

2: Religious Studies

Religious studies students tend to have high GPAs, low amounts of homework, and a course load that is heavier on research and writing than practical applications of knowledge. The rigor of these programs definitely differ depending on the school, but religious studies majors have an incredibly high graduation rate. Though students in this degree field certainly put in a great deal of effort, their across-the-board high GPAs tend to support the idea that the major is easier than many others.

3: Criminal Justice

Criminal justice is often seen as a precursor to another education path, so the degree itself is relatively easy to get compared to many others. Though criminal justice students will spend a lot of time arguing and writing, they won’t have to deal with the absurdly lengthy essays of some other fields, nor will that have to deal with many math or science-based prerequisite courses. The relative ease of the degree makes sense, though, as many criminal justice majors choose to use their degrees to pursue higher education in fields like law or training in fields like law enforcement.

4: Psychology

And undergraduate degree in psychology is one of the most popular and easiest degrees that one can pursue. The secret behind this one is clear – a Bachelor’s degree in psychology is usually a pathway to higher education, so the tough work is saved for later in a student’s academic career. Note that a B.A. in Psychology tends to be significant easier than a B.S., with the latter requiring more science and math.

5: Communications

The prototypical ‘easy’ college degree is a communications degree. One of the most popular degrees on any college campus, the combination between easy graduation requirements and relatively minimal levels of homework make this degree attractive to those who love to argue and debate. Communications students are typically among those with the highest GPA and tend to have a higher graduation rate than most of their peers in tougher majors, though their job prospects might not be as bright as those of others.

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